The Four Creeks service area is divided into subareas. The boundaries of the subareas should be considered initial. Fine adjustments will be made as community planning helps inform the overall plan. The map above shows the current subarea boundaries.
- The Mountains
- The Plateau
- May Valley
- Issaquah Creek
- Cedar Grove
Community Plan Examples
- Fall City Citizens’ Petition
- Fall City Planning Report
- Fall City Area Zoning Study
- Skyway Solutions
- Renton City Center Community Plan
- Benson Hill Community Plan (Large file ~39meg; request via email)
- Newcastle Plan (outline only)
- Othello Neighborhood Plan
- Rainier Beach Neighborhood Plan
Community Plan Approach (DRAFT)
This is a simple draft list of some of the critical success factors that appear to be important to successful community planning:
- Build outline from plan examples
- Use subareas and communities
- Lots and lots of maps and photos
- Vision base; from the community
- …
- …
- …